Length: 6.2 miles
Duration:2 hours 57 minutes
Vertical Up:1519 feet
Click here for my trail log
It had been a while since I had been for a hike. The latest issue of Freedom Way listed classes in Anthem. It also listed hikes with The Anthem Hiking Club. Yippee! A new hike and people to hike with!
On to the hike…
The hike starts out with about a 500 foot climb in the first ½ mile. This is where I found out that The Anthem Hiking Club is made up of serious hikers! These retirees began the hike like they were shot out of a cannon. I tried to keep pace as far as I could, but, decided it would be better to hike at my own pace (especially uphill). I hike at 3 MPH on flat land and slow it down going uphill, sometimes quite a bit. I think “the club” hikes at 3.5 MPH!
We turned around and went back where we came from. By this time I was comfortable with trailing behind. I thoroughly enjoyed the hike back, pausing to take pictures and even recording this video:
I am going to miss next week's hike to the superstitions but can’t wait for the hike in 2 weeks in Sedona. I am proud to be a new member of The Anthem Hiking Club – even if I am the slowest!