I have been wanting to try this for a while. I wanted to hike from New River up over Daisy Mountain and into Anthem.
I have read that you can get pretty close to The backside of Daisy Mountain from the Power Line road off of New River Road. Looking at Google maps, I saw that there is a road that got real close. I was ready. Since I have done most every Geocache on Daisy Mountain, this was a hike only.
New Year's Day was the perfect day to try this. Wendy had to go feed the dog at my in-laws, so she agreed to dump me off on Power Line road. I actually stopped about a mile short of where I wanted to. The road was too rough for the Jeep and Wendy taking it back.

So she dropped me off just a bit off Power Line Road and I was off on my quest.
It ended up I stopped about a mile short of where I saw the road end on the map. This is probably good because the road gets a little rough for a 2WD Jeep. I walked the extra mile in no time and made it to the beginning of the uphill climb.
Climbing uphill to the North peak was tough. There are 3 or 4 major hills that switchback up. This is a view of the north peak with the flag sticking up way in the distance. From here I was motivated and a little overwhelmed at the distance left to climb.
If you don't already know, someone maintains an American Flag on the peak. Well, during the climb up the flag remains relatively hidden. So I climbed up and up until I made it to the flag. Along the way I met a rather pleasant gentleman who was solo hiking. We crossed paths at just the right time, cause I think I was about to keel over. We talked for a few minutes and then I continued on to the summit of the north peak.
What a spectacular view from the top.

My first regret is that I did not go on New Year's Eve. I think there was much more snow on the surrounding mountains. I spent a few minutes admiring the view and signed the summit log. My guess is I hiked about 3 miles by now.
Daisy Mountain is actually 2 peaks. The southern peak is a few feet higher than the northern peak. The hike between the two peaks is about 1/2 mile trail down through a saddle then back up to the next peak. I knocked this out rather quickly. It is here that you get your first view of Anthem.

I find a bit of beauty overlooking the urban sprawl. Anthem has a unique look and I love to sit on this peak and take it in.
The sun was getting low so I had to get moving. The hike down is tough. It is a bit steep and the trail is light at times. I made it down to the southern saddle in no time and down the switchbacks to place where the trail traverses the mountain east to west. This is my favorite part of the hike. I don't know why, but I love following the trail as it traverses the side of the mountain. the views of Anthem and Gavilan Peak are cool.
Once you meet the junction, its a steep hike down to the meat of the trail. I estimate I hiked about 5 miles by now. This is an estimate cause my GPS started freaking out and rebooted. I lost the entire track log.
It's about 1 1/2 miles mostly flat from here. The sun was dropping fast and I was treated to a spektacular sunset. I hiked the last mile with a flashlight. the desert sure comes alive at dusk!